Saturday, January 2, 2016

Challenges and Read-a-Thons for 2016

Hello lovelies! I've challenged myself this year to finish any Challenges and Read-a-Thons I've signed up for recently (and in the future). I'm planning to read a lot of books and perhaps re-read books for this blog (and hopefully the YouTube channel I want to start up). I found that this might be the easiest way for me to get into the community and reach out to more bloggers and just have a grand ol' time in this blogging world.

All of the challenges and Read-a-Thons will have links to their sign up posts, but you can also get them by clicking the buttons on my sidebar!

Year Round Challenges:

Flights of Fantasy (#FlightsofFantasy) 2016 by Alexa Loves Books:
   Goal: 10-15 books. I love fantasy and I want to get more into the old classic fantasy novels that aren't just LoTR.

Retelling Challenge (#fairytaleRC) 2016 by The Daily Prophecy:
   Goal: 10-15 books aka Level: Evil Queen hehe. Fantasy and fairytale retellings just seem to overlap don't they? I love retellings of old folklore and fairytales (not just the Grimm). I can't wait to find a new set of them.

Blog Discussion Challenge 2016 (#LetsDiscuss2016):
    Goal: At least 1 post per month. I love discussion posts and I hope this is a great gateway to get to know some more bloggers and get into discussions!

Goodreads Challenge 2016:
   Goal: 30 books. Last year I put in 100, thinking that I'll make it and alas. I only read 13 books this year. That's really depressing. So I'm really shortening the bunch to 30 and I'll see if I can surpass it. If I read one book a week, it should be possible. But I'm trying to transfer to a 4 year university, so we'll see how it goes.


Clean Slate Read-a-Thon (#CleanSlateReadathon) :
   Time: January 10-January 17
   Goal: 5-10 books. I have a list of books that were released in 2015 that I have not finished yet. There are a few that I've been meaning to finish after I read the excerpts and others that I snagged during a kindle $1.99 sale.

I haven't signed up for a lot of Read-a-Thons during these first months of 2016, but I'll see how this first one goes and then decide if I can handle it. I've been trying to figure out what to do with my life in these large chunks of free time I sometimes get to have and I'm determined to use that good time reading these books and posting a lot more on this blog. I hope you join me in my journey and I hope to make some new friends along the way!

What challenges or read-a-thons have you signed up for or are excited about for 2016?