Monday, March 7, 2016

Skipping Blog Posts • A Discussion

Ack okay. Before I send myself into a ditch, let me start off by saying: I don't like skipping blog posts. It makes me feel like I'm missing out on something. However, there are sometimes posts where I think I wouldn't be interested in them or I wouldn't really like them, so I just kind of... skip over them. 

I don't particularly like skipping posts, but sometimes I just read a title for a post and I think 'oh they're reviewing a book I'm not a huge fan of' or 'that discussion post doesn't really interest me that much' so I just tend to skip right over them and move on to the next. I tend to do this a lot with book reviews more than discussion posts because most of the discussion posts I see on my feed or in my email are really interesting and I love having my input. I still kind of feel guilty when I skip over them.

On the one hand, is it really worth reading posts that I feel I won't be greatly interested in? On the other, what if I find something completely new and cool in something that I wasn't interested in too much in the beginning? It's such a coin toss for me. There have been a couple of times where I decided to read a post I wasn't too intrigued in or it was a YA Contemporary Romance that I wasn't too impressed with--and I've come out of it thinking something different. But most of the time if there's something like a super Romance novel being reviewed, I won't read it. (Strange I know since I've said multiple times I liked romances)

Have you skipped a post from someone because of the title or contents? Did you feel guilty?

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Lisa @ Lost in Lit's avatar

Lisa @ Lost in Lit · 470 weeks ago

Guilty. :( I have skipped posts because I didn't think the content was for me. I am,however,more aware of that now because I've missed a few great posts by doing that. Great discussion!! :)
My recent post Let’s Chat: Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
Yeah, I've always felt guilty! It's usually with content/ttles that don;t appeal to me - but regardless, there's such a huge sense of guilt!
I feel like that's really bad though ,to feel guilty, because this is a hobby, and it would be impossible to get through all blog posts and still be able to go through normal everyday life! :)
Great idea for a post, Alexa! :D
My recent post Why I rarely participate in Top Ten Tuesdays
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
I skip posts all the time-I actually thought this was the norm to do this, but uh perhaps not? I follow all the blogs I read through bloglovin, and every morning I go through my feed of the 150 blogs I follow and mark posts 'read' that don't interest me. Doing this hides all the posts that I don't want to read.

I look for specific things in blog posts so the ones that don't match those are instant skips for that day. I don't read ARC reviews, reviews of books I've haven't read yet, any publisher promo posts like blog tours, most meme posts etc. I look mostly for discussion posts, and then reviews for books that I've already read. There's just no point in wasting time reading blog posts that don't interest me, I'll catch the blogger on a different day when they post something that catches my eye :)
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2 replies · active 470 weeks ago
I don't think you should feel guilty -- there is no obligation to read every post if they aren't interesting to you. I skip a lot of reviews if they are for books I don't want to be spoiled for and/or will never read and have no interest in. I would rather focus my limited time on those posts I want to read
My recent post Review: Marked in Flesh (The Others #4) by Anne Bishop
1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
Oh yes, I am guilty of this. Like you, I do it more often with book reviews than anything else. But I also skip over Waiting on Wednesday posts as well. If I'm not really interested in the boo being discussed, then I skip it. I don't feel guilty though. I just have so many blogs that I follow and I don't have time to read every single one. Great post!
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1 reply · active 470 weeks ago
This isn't something that you should feel guilty about at all. I skip posts that don't interest me either because honestly, I know I won't have anything sincere and significant to say if I do.
And really who has the time to read all the posts? I'd much rather be reading a good book than reading a post that doesn't interest me in the first place! Don't be hard on yourself, Alexa! :)
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1 reply · active 469 weeks ago
First, this is a really great post, so I did NOT skip it ;) But in seriousness, there are posts, even from my most favorite bloggers in the universe, that I skip. Sometimes it's because I am reading the book soon and want to go in blind, sometimes it simply doesn't pertain to me (for example, I don't care about MG at all, so I would skip those). I definitely don't feel bad about it- I assume there are plenty of times that I have posted where someone, even a long time reader, has been like "meh, don't care" and moved along. I don't think you can really please ALL the people ALL the time, so I definitely don't think it's something to feel guilty about!
My recent post Double the Flails: The Steep & Thorny Way and The Serpent King
1 reply · active 469 weeks ago
I mean, there are SOOOOOO many posts out there in the book blogging community that I have never felt obligated to read every single post that someone I follow writes. I mean, I follow lots of blogs, and I wouldn't have time to read every single post on all of them. Yes I'm more likely to read a post I'm iffy about if it's someone I'm more friends with, but I'd rather read and comment on posts I'm genuinely interested in and spread the love a little further! So you definitely shouldn't fee guilty about this!
My recent post Discussion: Ten Things that Turn Me Off in Book Blurbs
1 reply · active 469 weeks ago
I wish I could read all post I like but it is humanly impossible. So I only really get to read post that are interesting :) I understand how you can feel guilty. Guilty is a little devil that always finds a way into our psyche!
1 reply · active 469 weeks ago
I've definitely skipped tons of blog posts before. I do wish I had all the time in the world to read all of them, but I just really can't, so I've learned to be really picky over the posts I want to read. I love reading book reviews about anything YA (especially if I haven't read it before and it looks interesting, or if it's a book I've already read) and discussion posts the most. I think the ones I check out the least are weekly memes and blog tours (unless I love the book or it's in my TBR). Anything that doesn't spark my interest with just the title or the preview of the post as I scroll through Bloglovin, I'd most probably not read.
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1 reply · active 469 weeks ago
I used to feel guilty about this, but when I asked myself why I realised I really had no idea why I was feeling guilty about skipping posts I'm not interested in. It's not like I'll have anything constructive to say about it, after all; I'll read it and then move onto my next email without the poster having any idea I read it at all.

Besides, I certainly wouldn't want people forcing themselves through posts on my blog out of a sense of obligation! If someone likes my posts enough to be subscribed to my blog, I'll take that as a win; they don't need to make themselves to read posts they're not interested in, too. I figure most bloggers feel the same; we want our posts to be enjoyed, not endured.
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If I read every post from every blog I follow, I'd have to invent a time travel machine ... because that's the only way I could fit it all in in a 24-hour period. LOL! I wouldn't feel guilty at all - you should read the posts that really interest you and skip others. If there's a blogger I really love, I make an effort to at least skim their posts, but even those, I sometimes skip posts that just don't interest me at all. If I didn't, I'd be completely overwhelmed!
I agree with everything Nicole said. I follow way too many blogs to be able to read every post. I skim through and see what titles catch my eye. They are usually discussions, giveaways, or books I am interested in reading.
I do skip posts. I follow about 25 blogs so there is just NO WAY I could read everything.There are some blogs I read every single word they post, but just like 3 of them. Those blogs just post only once or twice a week, or I am really not wanting to miss anything. I don't feel guilty, those posts I am not interested in...well I am just not interested. I still subscribe, but maybe I don't read every single review cuz I have no interest in that genre/book/cover whatever.
Some posts I read and then don't comment on. I think that is what I feel most guilty about. I feel like a comment is like saying, "I was here".
My recent post The Things I Miss About Being A Kid ~Beyond The Books
Noooo, don't feel bad! I skip some, too. For example, I know this one blogger who posts ONLY spoiler reviews so if I haven't read the book, then I obviously don't want to get spoiled on it. I think the posts I skip the most are blog tours... I feel like it gets repetitive so I often only comment on 2-3 out of the whole 15 bloggers. There are so many bloggers and blog posts with different content so it's ok to not visit everything. With reading and maintaining our own blog(s), there's just no time to spend on posts, like you said, we aren't interested in.
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