This past weekend was Valentine's Day and while it didn't go quite as what the both of us wanted, my boyfriend and I spent it well. We bought a heart shaped ice cream cake, watched some movies, and then called it a night.
The past couple of weeks have been going to school, going to work, and then hanging out with two of my favorite people. There was some DnD thrown into that and that was fun (we've been stuck on the same campaign for far too long and I'm glad that we're finally getting to the end game -huff-).
Anime wise, I've been watching the newest Durarara season as well as the new season of Aldnoah.Zero and just watching some episodes of animes that my friend and boyfriend want me to watch.
However, this is a book blog so let me give you the details on books that I've started and/or finished in the last two weeks.
Started and Finished:
- The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
- Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
I have reviews coming for both Marissa Meyer books and I've enjoyed the both of them. I can't wait for Winter! The Darkest Part of the Forest has me really intrigued and I love the whole idea of a city being completely nonchalant and coexisting somewhat with the fey. It's a really cool concept. Eleanor and Park however, I find really bland and a lot of tropes. Also why does Park never have his first name mentioned so far but his brother does? IDK. I'll still finish it.
How was your week or past couple of weeks? What did you do for Valentine's Day?